Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the quiver tree Aloe dichotoma in habitat. During his visit to us my son wanted to see the "Quiver Tree forest". That is an experience not to be missed by anybody visiting South Africa or Namibia. To appreciate the full effect of the harsh climate in which these aloes grow visit in December, which was when these photos were taken.

The drive is roughly 500 km there and back.
 Our grandson Thomas enjoyed the boerewors and mielies for lunch (beef sausage and corn on the cob) at a picnic spot in the shade.

Exploring the world with Grandpa - on the shady side of the tree.  Note there is only a hint of green. Everything goes without water until the rains start after April.

Where are the lions and elephants ?

Because of its sponge like fibrous composition the trunk of Aloe dichotoma has a very light weight. Thomas (aged three years and five months) kindly agreed to demonstrate the weight of a dead Aloe dichotoma trunk. The wind was strong and made it difficult for him to keep his balance, but he was not going to give up.  If a guy must pose on a photo for Grandma he will do it with a smile.
Finally the stem was in line with the wind and he could pose.

A last stop to get some of the high quality sandy loam for Grandpa's seedlings.


CG said...

I love aloes and this was very interesting. Your grandson is lovely! Thank you for visiting my blog.

Granny J said...

That quiver tree forest is amazing. Whoever heard of aloe trees,yet!

MrBrownThumb said...

That picture of them in the shade is fantastic. I love that tree it looks like a bonsai tree.

Angie said...

I love the color of the ice plant-very beautiful!

It was interesting to read on your hobby garden site that aloes are protected and can't be transported without a nursery receipt. Why is this?

Thanks for coming by, my Toad Lilies have not set any seed yet, but I would love to collect some and trade with you! And I am really looking forward to your trip to Karoo Park. The scenery in your photographs is amazing to me and I imagine it is all spectacular. I was also wondering if you were expecting to see lions and elephants at the Quiver Tree forest?

ericat said...

Aloes are protected because people will rob the wild plants until nothing is left of it. The plants are popular as garden plants and for medicinal uses. They were always protected but now with the high AIDS people seems to do anything but the right thing and that is safe sex. sighh.. The gel of aloes are good in building the immuune system but it is no match for HIV or AIDS. Large colonies of Aloes are disappearing. I will not go into that here. My e-mail is euricat at gmail.com. the at = @ (and no spaces) if you want to e-mail me private.

No the "lions and elephants" is a joke. The Cape Province lost their wild lions and elephants many centuries ago. Main reason was, the Cape never was popular or ideal for the elephant. Here are very few real endemic trees, which the elephants need to eat. Lions and farmers do not get on well together either. Like in most parts of the world, the only place for animals are in reserves or game parks.

I must do that blog.

landscaping trees said...
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