Showing posts with label emblem of Namibia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emblem of Namibia. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

tree aloe Aloe littoralis

 Aloe littoralis  tree aloe   growing in our aloe and succulent water saving garden Aloe litorallis is a tree aloe that may grow at least to 3 meter high.  It is special in that it blooms very young and small for a tree aloe.  

The aloe in centre front is an Aloe aculeata x Aloe zebrina hybrid.  It grows without problem but I would have liked it to bloom more often than skipping a year ever so often. 
It is a pity that the aloe and messemb do not bloom together for the photos. 
The messembs should be beautiful this year.

Below Aloe littoralis in habitat that is near Windhoek Namibia .

The inflorescence of Aloe litorallis is impressive as is the whole plant.